National Apprenticeship Week 2015

Case Study Apprenticeship 2014

This week is National Apprenticeship Week (NAW) and a great opportunity to highlight the progress our apprentices have made in their careers.

Last year, a local newspaper told the stories of Sean Reynolds, 21 and Dexter Lancaster, 20 both at different stages of their apprenticeship. 

12 months later, Sean has become a key member of the Surveying Department. Dexter has also completed his apprenticeship and continues his training within the Maylarch Surveying Department.

To celebrate this milestone, Dexter has accepted to feature in a video for 'Oxfordshire Apprenticeship' alongside other apprentices from around the county. (see below)

Our Demolition Department also have two apprentices, Scott and Ben, both gaining experience while obtaining all the necessary qualifications to ensure a bright future in the Construction Industry.

If you are interested in starting an apprenticeship and would like to speak to us, do not hesitate to call us on 01865 883829 or email Hatti Tweedle at

To learn more about apprenticeship, you can also follow the conversation on Twitter via the hash tag #NAW2015

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