Temporary Negative Pressure Treatment and Isolation Spaces

During these incredibly difficult times we have been looking at how we can support our NHS during this Pandemic.

We have experience in how to turn virtually any space into a negative pressure room with airlock entry and decontamination facility for hospitals. As an asbestos removal company, Maylarch has the expertise, skilled teams and equipment to create any negative pressure space within a very short time frame.

Hospitals may not necessarily require this at the moment but we feel that as hospitals reach their capacity it might be an option for hospitals nationally or abroad if they need to expand their negative pressure treatment and isolation areas. We can meet the required filtration spec and air changes per hour needed.

We have discussed this with senior clinicians and estates managers at hospitals in London, Oxford and Bath and they will use this option if required.

We have successfully installed a negative pressure room at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford and will continue to assist our NHS Trusts in any way we can throughout this crisis.

We would urge our fellow asbestos removal contractors to get in touch with their local NHS estates departments to offer their assistance should it be required.

We would urge any NHS Trust interested to contact Maylarch or their local asbestos removal contractors or either ARCA or ACAD to put them in touch with their local asbestos removal contractors.

Maylarch and our colleagues across the country have the expertise to advise on, design and deliver negative pressure spaces and decontamination areas at short notice in almost any environment.

Maylarch are fully audited, insured and have worked extensively in the healthcare environment.

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